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Student-Led, Community-Driven

We Are The Husky Bots!


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Our mission is to stimulate curiosity and STEM learning in the Pan American and wider Porto Alegre community, through competitions and student-led events.

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We hope to continue the work with younger students for years to come, with the expansion of our mentorship programs to not only the Husky Bots Junior team, but also to the wider Porto Alegre community.

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We envision a club that is able to instill the passion for technology, science, and business in students across all ages - a project by students, for students.

Thank you to our 2023-2024 season sponsors


Our Ventures

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Our initiative to keep a foundation of young aspiring robotics students in our community, HBJ is a starter team where students who are new to robotics can meet and strengthen their skills before competing for the main team.

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The original First Lego League team that started it all. Here is where experienced students aged 10-15 go to compete and represent our school both regionally and nationally.

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Our newest team, comprised solely of High School students, which will compete in the First Tech Challenge competition. It is also being responsible for the mentoring of the HBJ team, allowing for a unique cycle of learning.

Earlier this year...

For the first time in the team's history, we qualified for the national phase of the Festival SESI de Robôtica, which was hosted in the Mané Garrincha Stadium, in Brasília.

Now, we are aiming for bigger things.


FIRST Robotics combines the best of STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Math) with its core values to create a unique, one-of-a-kind experience for students. With a goal to emphasize the importance of STEM in pre-college settings, various competitions across multiple age groups have taken place since 1990 - being sponsored by large companies such as John Deere and 3M. In an extremely competitive environment, everyone has a role to play, from engineers and programmers to designers and treasurers. In the First Lego League, for example, students not only build complex robots but are also tasked with designing a solution to one of the world's problems, with a theme that changes yearly. FIRST prides itself in its various core values, such as "coopertition" - the concept of displaying kindness and respect in the face of fierce competition - all of which culminates in an epic, positive, yet exceptionally competitive environment for students: The so-called sport for the mind™. Learn more about our various competitions.

A school team since 2018, HuskyBots has been rebranding since the pandemic's end. Now a student-led club, we hope to inspire students to pursue robotics, engage in important community service projects, and incorporate aspects of FIRST's core values into our lives. Now, in 2022, we were one of six teams in Rio Grande do Sul to qualify for the Brasil National out of a total of 48 teams. There, we competed alongside 100 of Brasil's best robotics teams, inspiring us to strive for more. Furthermore, earlier this year, we were able to raise over 4,000 reais for a local public school team, helping to pay off their travel & lodging expenses for the trip to the nationals.



This year, we are expanding into uncharted territory for the team. Taking a step further into the robotics journey, we venture into the First Tech Challenge, a more advanced robotics competition aimed solely at High School students, with less than 100 teams all over the country. However, to reach this goal, we will require financial support of around 50,000 Reais, to allow for a successful kickoff. Following the initial fundraising project, we will still keep long-term sponsorships and partnerships - but with a decreased financial goal. 


Where you come in

If you have a kid in the school who is between the ages of 9-18 who wants to take on an additional challenge in their school journey, have them fill out our application form linked below.  Husky Bots is not only a great place for anyone who wants to learn more about engineering and programming, but also a group that recognizes the importance of design, marketing, leadership, and business thinking. If any of those seem interesting, sign up! 

We also require support from external sponsors in the form of fabrication or financial help. The First Tech Challenge has significant barriers to entry, requiring a large initial investment in both robot parts (such as motors and electronics) and manufacturing equipment. In exchange for your support, we are ready to provide brand exposure through branding on team t-shirts & any other published material and participation in social projects. With an extremely high industry presence, even in Brazil, students are eager to learn about career opportunities in this area which they already love.

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